Osteopathy and Health & Wellness Services

Therapies For the Body & Mind

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Experienced & Trusted Osteopathic Treatments in London

We take a thorough case history to find out more about you and your specific lifestyle. We examine using various techniques starting with Observation through to orthopaedic testing and formulate a diagnosis for your bespoke treatment plan. Combining hands on manipulation of joints, soft tissue massage of muscles, stretching ligaments and strengthening tendons we aim to restore your health naturally. Osteopathic treatment involves the alignment of axial joints of your spinal column which may have become dysfunctional through poor postural control causing repetitive strain injuries, natural degenerative changes, and sports injuries. The main purpose of treatment is to alleviate and help you understand the source of your pain so that you can take control of it.  

Your Health & Wellness Hub

Experienced Osteopath, Physio, Nutrition and Personal Training Services

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